Archive for Month: June 2024

The Math Behind Investing in Your PE Career Vs. No Investment

The Math Behind Investing in Your PE Career Vs. No Investment

Written By: Gerald O’Dwyer III 

The PE Guru — Blackmore Partners, Inc | June 10th, 2024

To compare the financial returns of taking action to enter private equity versus continuing with your current career path, we need to create a financial model that projects potential earnings, expenses, and net returns over a set period. Here’s a simplified financial model that compares these two scenarios over a 10-year period.


Current Career Path (Doing Nothing)

  • Current Salary: $200,000 per year
  • Annual Salary Growth Rate: 3%
  • Other Benefits (bonus, stock options, etc.): $50,000 per year
  • Total Current Compensation: $250,000 per year

Entering Private Equity (Taking Action)

  • Initial Investment in Education and Networking: $74,045 per year for 3 years
  • Starting Salary in Private Equity: $300,000 per year (average for a PE executive)
  • Annual Salary Growth Rate: 5%
  • Performance-Based Bonus: 50% of the annual salary (average in PE)
  • Carried Interest (profit share): 20% of the fund’s profit, distributed over 7–10 years
  • Expected Return on Carried Interest: $500,000 per year (starting from year 4).
  • Total Initial Compensation: $450,000 per year (salary + bonus)

Financial Model: 10-Year Projection

Yearly Breakdown

  1. Current Career Path
  2. Entering Private Equity

Current Career Path



Bonuses & Other Benefits

Total Compensation









































Total 10-Year Compensation: $2,911,292

Entering Private Equity




Carried Interest

Total Compensation

Investment in Education





























































Total 10-Year Compensation: $8,129,952

Comparative Analysis

  1. Current Career Path: $2,911,292
  2. Entering Private Equity: $8,129,952

Difference in Total Compensation over 10 Years: $5,218,660

Justification for Expenses

The initial investment in education and networking, which totals approximately $222,135 over three years, is justified by the significantly higher returns in the private equity scenario. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  1. Return on Investment (ROI): The additional compensation of $5,218,660 over ten years far exceeds the initial investment of $222,135. The ROI is approximately 2,351% (($5,218,660 – $222,135) / $222,135 * 100).
  2. Career Growth: The higher starting salary and faster growth rate in private equity reflect the premium compensation for specialized skills and leadership in managing portfolio companies.
  3. Carried Interest: One of the most significant benefits of private equity is the carried interest, which can provide substantial additional income. Starting in year 4, the annual $500,000 carried interest significantly boosts overall earnings.
  4. Professional Development: The investment in education and networking enhances your expertise, credibility, and network, positioning you for leadership roles within private equity firms and portfolio companies.
  5. Long-Term Financial Security: The higher earnings in private equity contribute to greater financial security and wealth accumulation over the long term, allowing for more substantial retirement savings, investments, and lifestyle improvements.


Investing in education, certifications, networking, and professional development to transition into private equity provides a substantial financial return compared to remaining on your current career path. The model demonstrates a clear financial benefit, with significantly higher total compensation and a strong ROI over ten years. This investment not only boosts your earning potential but also enhances your professional capabilities and marketability in the competitive field of private equity.

For more detailed insights on how to effectively navigate the job market as a C-suite executive and leverage opportunities through Blackmore Connects, visit their website here.

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